Sunday, February 13, 2011

College, Church, and Ronan Keating (:

Hello Everybody (:
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I know mine wasn’t so bad, if I must say so. (: Besides not feeling well, I had a fantastic time.  I have discovered this weekend that I am very much in love with Ronan Keating. .. His music anyway. (: I am fairly new to it, but I have to say, that man is veryy talented. So, if you ever just feel like looking up some new music, he would probably be one of my first suggestions.
Anyway, I am glad to say that I have found my way back to church, on Sundays at least. Due to work, I usually am not able to make it on Wednesday nights. But, It’s nice. I’ve always loved going to church, ever since I was a little girl. Though, I still do not plan on getting baptized. I believe in God. I have my beliefs, but I do not believe that I have to specify what church I belong to in order to be a Christian. But, I do enjoy church, and am happy to have made it back.
Well, I have officially received my Acceptance letter to Pittsburg State University! I am very excited, and I cannot wait until the fall. I didn’t realize how much stress an acceptance letter could relieve. It feels as if I’ve been waiting forever. Though, the weather hasn’t exactly been great lately. I think Saturday was the first day the mail has come in almost 2 weeks. But, it is all okay now that I finally got my letter. (: Though, I still have my audition in 2 weeks. If I do okay then, I’ll be all set. Wish me luck!
Well, I have been spending a lot of time thinking lately. Big surprise, right? But Now that I am going to be on my own and all that, it’s rather frightening. It seems that all of it is coming all at once. Which, it really is. Not to say that I am not excited, but I wish I could have prepared for what it was actually going to feel like. I mean, in 6 months, no more mommy & daddy to rely on. I will be able to start my own career, or the classes the get me there anyway. It is all so sudden. I will be paying for everything, by myself.. Though, I have had some practice with that already. I was raised well. My parents have paid for most of my food, and my bills. But I have always paid for my own gas for my car, and just about everything else. Which, I did not always like, but I guess they had a good idea when it comes down to it. But, enough of that. I am officially college bound (:
Well, as everyone has already figured out, tomorrow is valentines day. Personally, I could do without. I am not really a fan of having a day celebrating love and couples when not everyone in the world has that special somebody. It is kind of a slap in the fact to those of us single people. So, I think they should have a singles awareness day. (: It sounds like a good plan to me, anyway.
So, Unfortunately, I’m back to one of my insomniatic cycles. Fortunately, this does not happen ALL the time, but unfortunately, it still happens. I go through cycles. For a while, I will be able to sleep normally. And then, for a stretch of time, I get to the point where I either do not sleep, or I sleep maybe an hour or so a night. And unfortunately, it is one of those times. I think I have slept a totally of 8 hours all week? I am not a fan of this. I do not know how people can do this all the time. It would definitely kill me.
So, tomorrow is the first day back to school. Although, some of us, or should I say the majority of us, have forgotten what school is necessarily. We have only been in school a weeks worth of classes in the past 3 weeks. That is crazy! I think they should just let seniors out early : P But, the good news is, Spring is around the corner! It is supposed to be in the 60s this week, and in the 70s by next week! That is my kind of weather. I am completely ready to wear shorts and cute little sundresses, and bathing suits. I miss the weather where I could take my book, and lay on my dock by the lake for hours and get a tan… Without freezing my butt off! Hopefully, it will be that way before long (:
But, that is all for tonight. Even if I cannot sleep, I have to try, or I will die in classes tomorrow. God bless everybody!


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